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0039 2000/11/26 01:14
Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win98; I) marking = Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win98; I)
0038 2000/06/08 16:45
I love Hamsters........ = KyoungBong Lee
0037 2000/05/19 05:08
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 95) marking = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 95)
0036 2000/05/01 14:26
libwww-perl/5.47 marking = libwww-perl/5.47
0035 2000/03/13 23:34
Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I) marking = Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I)
0034 1999/11/02 09:32
zzZ marking = zzZ
0033 1999/09/10 19:01
Loki/0.51(http://www.a-brain.com/Loki.htm) libwww-perl/5.35 marking = Loki/0.51(http://www.a-brain.com/Loki.htm) libwww-perl/5.35
0032 1999/04/07 08:33
mahiru's v ga ippai = shinju
0031 1999/03/23 23:20
Loki/0.51(http://www.a-brain.com/Loki.htm) libwww-perl/5.35 marking = Loki/0.51(http://www.a-brain.com/Loki.htm) libwww-perl/5.35
0030 1999/01/09 01:15
RE:hello = ichico
0029 1999/01/09 00:58
This is the TinyBBS! = ichico
0028 1999/01/09 00:42
hello = Tony Natsoulas
0027 1998/10/08 01:59
Vegas95/0.99n (Win95; I) marking = Vegas95/0.99n (Win95; I)
0026 1998/10/02 20:19
Lissa's Page = Lissa
0025 1998/08/11 05:02
Loki/0.12 libwww-perl/5.35 marking = Loki/0.12 libwww-perl/5.35
0024 1998/04/30 06:31
oops! = monica
0023 1998/04/30 06:29
How Lovely! = monica rochester
0022 1998/02/13 20:24
Loki/0.12 libwww-perl/5.18 marking = Loki/0.12 libwww-perl/5.18
0021 1998/01/11 05:11
CA comment = CA
0020 1997/12/06 06:14
birdcat@con2.com = sue paul
0019 1997/10/12 15:41
GIF Rabbit's Carrot Pavilion = roro
0018 1997/10/12 15:37
RE:Angee comment = roro
0017 1997/10/12 07:41
Angee comment = Angee
0016 1997/08/28 16:56
roro comment = roro
0015 1997/08/17 03:18
hamster`s ownres = christianne diniz
0014 1997/06/27 06:10
Veronica Ann Stambolis comment = Veronica Ann Stambolis
0013 1997/04/06 22:24
dangerous tag test = sak
0012 1997/03/16 21:42
Let's Japanease = roro
0011 1997/03/16 21:37
display Japanese = roro
0010 1997/03/08 17:47
roro comment = roro
0009 1997/03/06 09:10
Ah! = KoYo
0007 1997/02/25 14:52
test = roro
0006 1997/02/11 22:32
RE:saintmurder = roro
0005 1997/02/05 16:59
saintmurder = nathan saraphon
0004 1997/02/01 12:15
Moved Message = roro
0003 1997/01/31 20:37
Thank you for writing "TinyBBS" = roro
0002 1997/01/31 20:16
roro comment = roro
0001 1997/01/31 19:46
roro comment = roro
0000 1997/01/31 19:46
TinyBBS new Version Start = roro